Permanent Makeup
color correction.
Permanent makeup correction can be either “shape” or “color” or both. Shape or color corrections can range. If the shape is desirable but the color has faded into a purple, green, blue, or red hue. But would look much better with a few changes with The ALJEE product, we would be able to remove and color correction or provide additional tattooing immediately to improve the symmetry, shape, or balance of the eyebrows.
How is it different between removing a tattoo and get a new eyebrow immediately and just remove and wait until the old color disappears and then make new eyebrows?
Answer: Because this technique is the safest and latest from ALJEE product.
1. Spend less time with each client and on treatment processes.
2. From the data and my experience tattoo removal and reshape new eyebrows immediately is an amazing technique that has better results and uses fewer times than other methods.
3. This way you can help the clients become confident as soon as possible and bring back a smile to everybody who has failed the semi-permanent makeup.
4. what’s even better than is that clients get a new shape of brows right away.
5. this way is able to makeup easy. It takes less time to put on makeup.
6. Can reduce the stress of clients is faster. This is very very important and advantages when compared to remove the entire. I mean wait for it again and again. Because while waiting the clients are still stressed and worried about their eyebrows.
From the data and experience that it’s has been successful and accepted for more than 7 years and in our clinic is over 90 percent choose to remove and make new eyebrows immediately on the same day.
Because we had plenty of examples of amazing results for clients to see. This is the answer to the question.
So, let’s get started.

Please always take a photo and record a video before and after the process as a point of reference. This is very important.

Starting by cleaning and apply numbing cream for about 20 minutes.
While waiting to prepare the product and equipment..

How to use :
- ALJEE SUN protection 2 drops. ( shake well before using)
- ALJEE SERUM 1 drop.
And then mix well.

I recommend 5 or 7 rounds PMU needle cartridge ( 7P, 7R, 7RS, 5P, 5RL, 5RS ). it’s safest for the skin. As I researched, the 5 and 7 rounds needle cartridge is the safest for skin tattoo removal with the ALJEE product. And I setting the length of the needle to 1.5 millimeters. But remember, please remember that length of the needle has nothing to do with the depth of your work. I hold my handpiece at 80 – 90 degrees.

This is the same technique that you make it shading or Ombre, but deeper more than. Move your hand a little bit like slow to medium speed, don’t move it too fast. Right. So. the best way would be. When you first start I would suggest you do remove and wipe it to check first. And I wipe it to see how it goes. and then I go a little bit deeper on those spots to put the product down. to find the proper depth and the best technique with the pressure and the depth. is the key. Depth is very important, if you work too shallow you will place the product in the epidermis, the old color will not disappear. Because the product can not react with the old colors pigment. That means the efficiency of the pigment removal is reduced. If you work too deep, too heavy you will cause scarring. It’s very important to control pressure depth. Right now I can see the color start to fade away. that is the right pressure and the right depth. yes. This way is correct. So the next segment does the same thing with the pressure and depth and working each segment continually. And I do the way with every client when I start to work. to check and make sure I do the right way. Yes, You can remove whole brows at the same time and then you wipe. That’s fine. But I like just remove a little bit and wipe it, just remove a little bit and wipe it. Because I would like to check each segmentally that it’s precisely. Right If the line is too dark and deep. We need to remove it again at that point. I recommend to you work segmentally and remove precisely and when finishing the first pass. And then apply anesthetic and move to another side and do the same thing..

5. How many passes?
Is depending on how the dark color, and how deep the number of layers
- If the light color, just remove it for 2 or 3 passes.
- For the dark color, we need to remove 4 passes.
- The maximum is 4 passes per session.
- And for, in this case, I removed 3 passes.

After that, I apply again a thin layer of anesthetic for about 1 or 2 minutes. And to start, we have to mark the frame of the eyebrows contour. When I create the shading, I always work with 1 point needle dimension of 0.3 mm. This is the best time because you can change the color very dark go to light eyebrows immediately. After we tattoo removes the old color with this product we just use the yellow pigment 1 or 2 passes. If the client has a dark color need to use the yellow pigment 3 passes to create a new foundation. And with this product and this technique can solve colors. So, I recommend this method, only after we already used the ALJEE products to remove the old color to make the number of treatments fewer times. In this case, I made yellow pigment 2 passes. For, in this case, I made shading yellow pigment 2 passes.
Q & A: Yellow or Gold color for adjusting foundation.
- Q: Why is it possible to fix the color after we remove it with ALJEE products already?
- A: Because we removed the colors to fade already, like diluting it. and then we can fix the color to neutralize it. by using yellow.
- Q: This corrector gold color is suitable for all skin tones?
- A: Yes, It can be used with all skin tones.
- Q: It is only necessary to apply the gold color or yellow on the area where a new tattoo will be added?
- A: Yes, We make a slide of golden or yellow color eyebrows. Only on the area where a new tattoo to make it neutralizes the color.
- Q: The areas which have had treatment to remove old tattoos but do not want to be redone with new tattoos don’t apply the gold color but apply sunblock?
- A: That’s right! Treatment area to remove old tattoos but don’t want to do new ones. You don’t apply gold color but apply with Aljee Booster to performance-enhancing and on top with Aljee Sun+Aljee serum, which we mix in a cup. As the example picture described.
- Q: Hi Aljee. I have been studying your removal process and as I now understand you do the removal and then go over the top with a yellow pigment to neutralize the remaining color? is that correct?
- A: Yes, right! to neutralize the color and fix the remaining old pigments to natural tones or light tones and the individual results may vary depends on how much dark and how deep the number of layers that the client has been.

After that, we tattoo to remove it again 1 or 2 passes, that area we wanted it to disappear and wipe it outward

At the end of the procedure. We apply the Aljee Booster and leave a couple of minutes only on the area that we want it to disappear for performance-enhancing.

And then, apply on top with this product like this don’t wipe it off to protect the skin from sunlight. The procedure is done. And we can repeat it every 3 or 4 weeks After the 4 weeks, we re-evaluate the area to determine If another removal session is necessary before we can apply a new color. as long as it is necessary to remove it or wherever the client wants to. Depending on what the clients are needs.
The results depends on the individual.

As you can see from the pictures right now this is she had 2 removal sessions is amazing results.
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